• pings and
    About Us | FuturePing.com

    Last Update: August 05, 2011

    FuturePing.com, HeyFuture.com and BackFuture.com are services from FramtidsPost AB.

    FuturePing was first released in August 2011 and was targeting web developers and system admins in their need to repeatedly see how their services behave. During the fall of 2011 features for web metrics and web snapshots ware added. As of April 2012 we have counted 4M pinged web service. The service is now under heavy development. A 2.0 release will happen later in 2012.

    HeyFuture is a consumer service for sending messages to the future. The service is now focusing on three areas: Predictions, Confessions and Time Capsules. HeyFuture was first released in April 2012. Over the coming months the development will focus on further integration with social media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+), we will also explore the integration with News, Stock, Weather and Betting. Confirmations might get a religious add-on.

    BackFuture is a service for Corporations to schedule their communication needs beforehand. The development of this service will start during Q4 2012 together with a corporate sponsor.

    Company Background

    FramtidsPost AB is a Swedish company incorporated in April 2011. The main office is in Stockholm, Sweden and the development takes place in Izhevsk, Russia.

    Investor Relations

    We are always interested in growing the company and to get good investors. However, at this point we focus on building the product and the business around it.

    Contact Us

    FramtidsPost always welcomes your feedback. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about either one, please contact us by e-mail at info AT FramtidsPost.se or postal mail at:

    FramtidsPost AB
    Box 22218
    SE-10422 Stockholm, Sweden